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The National White Dove Release Society is dedicated to promoting ethical and humane ceremonial white dovedove releases by releasing only healthy, trained and banded white homing pigeons, as well as promoting our professional white dove release members' businesses.

The white dove is universally young girl and dove releaserecognized as a symbol of love, peace, and hope. Professionally coordinated white dove releases are the perfect way to incorporate these symbolic associations into any of life's meaningful occasions. A white dove release ceremony adds atmosphere and inspiration appreciated by audiences of all ages at extra-special occasions.

Only a professional white dove release company can make these extraordinary dove releases happen. Our professional handlers customize a unique ceremony for you and your audience. We release only well trained white homing birds that are able to return to their home loft where they are well tended.

To join, email the NWDRS with your information. Please place 'Join' on the email subject line.


solo white doveThe National White Dove Release Society pays tribute each year to those who paid the ultimate price during 9/11. Many of our members, and other release businesses, donate white dove releases in their communities. Once again on September 11, white doves will take to the skies to honor the innocent victims and fallen heroes of 9/11.

Whether a victim of attack, hijacking, or our brave policemen, firemen and rescue personnel; the businesses associated with the National White Dove Release Society are proud to honor them.

Visit Our 9/11 Page

To pledge a dove release please email the following information to
NWDRS Pledge
  • Your Name
  • Your Business Name
  • Your Phone Number(s)
  • Your Email
  • Your Website
  • How Many Birds, Where the Release is Held, and Time of the Release

You need not be a member of the NWDRS to participate in this memorial!